Institutional Accreditation
Institutional Accreditation evaluate the educational institutions preparedness in providing services and operations in a desired manner
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Programmatic Accreditation evaluates specific schools or programs within an education institution
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Universities that have received accreditation are expected to full fill the recommended improvements or developments
International Accreditation Protocols for Higher Education Institutions (IAPHEI) is an international organization providing Institutional and Programmatic Accreditation for Higher Education Institutions. IAPHEI, for many years, has been striving to enrich the Higher Education standards through identifying the weakness and developing the quality standards in education, and encouraging the educational institutions and educational programs to benchmark those standards in order to improve the quality of Education.
IAPHEI through a rigorous process of program self-evaluation and peer review ensures the institution or the program has achieved the desired academic standards. IAPHEI has its own expert panel covering the major specialisations and volunteers from Higher Education, to carry out the process of evaluation. Self-evaluation is an opportunity for an institution to reflect intentionally on its distinctive strengths and its areas of desired growth in light of its unique mission.
IAPHEI have identified ten key areas of an institutions operation for benchmarking our quality standards for international schools, colleges, universities, training providers and distance education providers are listed below.